Global Congress 2010 And Mexico’s North American Union Climate Agreement



Bill Clinton will speak at PMI® Global Congress 2010—North America in Washington, D.C., 10 October 2010.

G20 leaders gathered in London, Wednesday, April 1, 2009, are pictured with Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, center, at London's Buckingham Palace. Among the leaders pictured are Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, fifth from left, front row, who hosts the G20 summit, U.S. President Barack Obama, fifth from right, second row, and Russia's President, Dmitry Medvedev, front right. (AP Photo/John Stillwell/pool)

Conspiring Times – Recently reported in a PRN Newsire release, Clinton will deliver his usual composition of fabian socialist talking points outlining why America should relinquish economic and national independence for a better world. The impeached collectivist will deliver his “Embracing Our Common Humanity” speech which is comprised of secular human economics goals to achieve global government.

Relevant to Clinton’s talking points is the April 26th U.S. Climate Agreement that is to be unveiled while Mexico’s North American Union Climate Agreement hangs in the balance until 2011 according to European Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, when expressing on April 09, 2010 that Europe would like a legal binding treaty on reduction of carbon emission later this year, recognizing that different positions may delay an agreement until 2011.

‘The EU will be ready to reach a legally binding global deal at the UN climate conference in Cancun, Mexico, at the end of the year’, Hedegaard told reporters during the talks on April 09. ‘In Copenhagen, the world had a unique chance and did not use this to its full. Although the most important outcome was that the US and four major developing economies – Brazil, South Africa, India and China (BASIC) – committed to reduce their carbon emissions,’ she added.

‘We now have to secure the momentum and do our utmost to get specific and substantial results out of Cancun this year. And to secure a legally binding treaty in climate change talks at South Africa in 2011,’ continuing.

‘The UN should try to mobilize political leaders to stop spending more time on process and procedures but open to negotiations,’ she said.

The goal of the global agreement is to supercede all national sovereignty and economic independence with a treaty that can never be repealed and would place all matters of medicine, health, religion, law, war, manufacturing, family, and economic systems under a defacto centrally controlled global government framework in a communitarian (communist) styled government at the helm of international banking interests.


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