
altorstenlinton — February 16, 2010 — This is not my video and was done by a youtuber called ScootleRoyale you can check out his channel by going here http://www.youtube.com/user/ScootleRo... See the original video here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAvqLJ...

He shows overwhelming evidence of what The Elite plans are for creating a New World Order in this 10 minute video. It's up to you to believe or think it's Conspiracy still. The Choice is yours  [endtext]

Evidence of THE ELITE!!!! (New world Order)


 TheAlexJonesChannel — June 04, 2010 — Eugenicist Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson




Friday, June 4, 2010

Microsoft founder Bill Gates will join fellow elitists for the first time at the 2010 Bilderberg conference currently taking place in Sitges Spain, after he apparently attempted to pull a bait and switch by pretending to attend another event before being forced to admit to journalists that he will give a speech at the globalist confab.

Gates let slip that he would make his debut at Bilderberg after being asked by journalists from 20 Minutos, a free Spanish newspaper which is published daily in numerous Spanish cities as well as others around the world.

According to the report, Gates told reporters, "I'm one of those who will be present," adding that he will take part in a debate with fellow globalists on the subjects of "energy and the needs of the poorest," as well as climate change, renewable energy and the economic crisis.

Indicating that he will also give a speech to the Bilderberg elitists, Gates said, "I hope not to bore."

It appears as though Gates initially tried to throw reporters off the scent by claiming he was in Barcelona to attend a Global Health Institute conference which was then mysteriously "cancelled".

The translation of the Spanish report can be read here.

Gates' presence at the elite confab was also confirmed by the German news agency DPA.

The Spanish report also confirms that Spain's Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will attend the conference this afternoon, where he will be joined by Queen Beatrix of Holland, ECB Chairman Jean Claude Trichet as well as former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld has sporadically attended Bilderberg meetings in the past but he is not a regular visitor to the annual gatherings. For Gates, this is his first time at the conference although his wife Melinda is a regular attendee.

Both Gates and Rumsfeld's presence at this year's event indicates that some very important developments are set to unfold over the course of the next 12 months, particularly with regard to Iran as well as the global warming agenda, which has been on the ropes since the Climategate scandal and the failed Copenhagen summit in December.

Gates' Bilderberg presentation will also likely include information about his eugenicist projects to lower global population figures.

During a recent TED conference, an organization which is sponsored by one of the largest toxic waste polluters on the planet, Gates told the audience that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures in order to solve global warming and lower CO2 emissions to almost zero

http://www.infowars.com/eugenicist-bi...  [endtext]

Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 1/2


TheAlexJonesChannel — June 04, 2010 — Eugenicist Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson http://www.pris.../ TheAlexJonesChannel — June 04, 2010 — Eugenicist Bill Gates To Attend 2010 Bilderberg Conference

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson




Friday, June 4, 2010

Microsoft founder Bill Gates will join fellow elitists for the first time at the 2010 Bilderberg conference currently taking place in Sitges Spain, after he apparently attempted to pull a bait and switch by pretending to attend another event before being forced to admit to journalists that he will give a speech at the globalist confab.

Gates let slip that he would make his debut at Bilderberg after being asked by journalists from 20 Minutos, a free Spanish newspaper which is published daily in numerous Spanish cities as well as others around the world.

According to the report, Gates told reporters, "I'm one of those who will be present," adding that he will take part in a debate with fellow globalists on the subjects of "energy and the needs of the poorest," as well as climate change, renewable energy and the economic crisis.

Indicating that he will also give a speech to the Bilderberg elitists, Gates said, "I hope not to bore."

It appears as though Gates initially tried to throw reporters off the scent by claiming he was in Barcelona to attend a Global Health Institute conference which was then mysteriously "cancelled".

The translation of the Spanish report can be read here.

Gates' presence at the elite confab was also confirmed by the German news agency DPA.

The Spanish report also confirms that Spain's Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero will attend the conference this afternoon, where he will be joined by Queen Beatrix of Holland, ECB Chairman Jean Claude Trichet as well as former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld has sporadically attended Bilderberg meetings in the past but he is not a regular visitor to the annual gatherings. For Gates, this is his first time at the conference although his wife Melinda is a regular attendee.

Both Gates and Rumsfeld's presence at this year's event indicates that some very important developments are set to unfold over the course of the next 12 months, particularly with regard to Iran as well as the global warming agenda, which has been on the ropes since the Climategate scandal and the failed Copenhagen summit in December.

Gates' Bilderberg presentation will also likely include information about his eugenicist projects to lower global population figures.

During a recent TED conference, an organization which is sponsored by one of the largest toxic waste polluters on the planet, Gates told the audience that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures in order to solve global warming and lower CO2 emissions to almost zero

http://www.infowars.com/eugenicist-bi...   [endtext]

Jim Tucker Reports Nwo's Next Phase of Operation from Bilderberg Spain 2010 on Alex Jones Tv 2/2

[starttext]WE'RE HIT!!! TELEVISION

 January 14, 2007


What is the U.S. Government doing in Ancient Babylon?


candlelightpictures — April 28, 2008 — Part 1 of A Documentary that I made on the many odd happenings in and around Denver Airport, Colorado. Explains... candlelightpictures — April 28, 2008 — Part 1 of A Documentary that I made on the many odd happenings in and around Denver Airport, Colorado.

Explains the meanings of the murals, symbology around the airport and what's going on underneath the airport, as well as around it.

Very interesting!   [endtext]

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary (part 1)


candlelightpictures — April 28, 2008 — Part 2 of A Documentary that I made on the many odd happenings in and around Denver Airport, Colorado.

Explains the meanings of the murals, symbology around the airport and what's going on underneath the airport, as well as around it.

Very interesting!   [endtext]

Denver Airport Conspiracy Theory: A Documentary (part 2)


FoxNewsChannel — June 16, 2010 — Former senior adviser to George W. Bush on President Obama's clean energy initiative   [endtext]

Rove Rates Future of Cap-and-Trade


UCBComedy — June 09, 2010 — This is what happens when BP spills coffee. More comedy videos: http://www.UCBComedy.com Like UCB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/UCBcome... Follow UCB: http://www.twitter.com/UCBcomedy

Director: Peter Schultz & Brandon Bassham; Writers: Gavin Speiller, Eric Scott, Erik Tanouye, & John Frusciante; Editor: Peter Schultz, Starring: Eric Scott, Nat Freedberg, Kevin Cragg, Gavin Speiller, Kate McKinnon, John Frusciante, Zhubin Parang, Devlyn Corrigan, Erik Tanouye, Rob Lathan; Producer: Todd Bieber  [endtext]

BP Spills Coffee


 SchiffReport — June 15, 2010 — Schiff Report Video Blog June 15th 2010 
Dear Voters,
America is a nation founded by free individuals; individuals like you who have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.

For the first time in human history, a nation was founded where the individual took precedence over the state. Brave American men and women have shed blood ever since to preserve this principle.

Yet, today, it is apparent that our government has forgotten this sacrosanct principle. From bailouts to mandates, every day Washington imposes increasing legislation designed to transfer more control of your life to bureaucrats. Why should one hundred senators in DC have so much power in dictating the lives of more than 100 million working Americans?

It is time to send a loud message to Washington; we are capable of making our own decisions, living our own lives, and bearing the responsibilities for our actions. Stand up to corruption, favoritism, cronyism, and corporatism. Remind your leaders that they are accountable to you, the voter.

I was attacked for my accurate predictions on the economic crisis and I remain steadfast in my beliefs; make no mistake, unless we change course the consequences for your freedoms and your pocketbooks will be immense.

The solutions to Americas problems exist not in two thousand page bills or trillion dollar bailouts, but rather within the heart of each individual hardworking American.

You are the answer. Your drive, your competition, your fearlessness, and your entrepreneurship are what built this country and made it great. It is that everlasting character of America which will rebuild it again.

Join me in this effort to reawaken the spirit of America and reverse the momentum of history at http://www.schiffforsenate.com/    [endtext]

Markets, Ron Paul, Roubini, BP


GeraldCelenteChannel — June 14, 2010 — full interview here :


Gerald Celente on Helen Skopis Athens Intl. Radio
credit goes to http://www.youtube.com/user/vasoula2908   [endtext]

Gerald Celente on Helen Skopis


OlmosProductions — June 10, 2010 — Shot by Robert M. Young and Edward James Olmos on a trip to the heart of the oil spill in the Gulf. Edited by St... OlmosProductions — June 10, 2010 — Shot by Robert M. Young and Edward James Olmos on a trip to the heart of the oil spill in the Gulf. Edited by Stephen Cohen.

Robert Young and I jumped on a plane and went to the Gulf of Mexico just to lend our support by documenting what we saw...

Well, the people that we met took up all of our time. It was brutal! I was not ready for the human aspect because no one had prepared me for it.

I thought they would be angry. They are devastated.

Take a look at this video and see for yourself. People are afraid to talk and you will learn why watching this...

Please pass it on, recommend it.

If you feel like doing something, just go down there (anywhere on the Gulf) and support by spending time and energy in the region.

They need our support. Thank you for Caring.

Edward James Olmos

For More information on what some local organizations are doing on the ground go to:

http://saveourgulf.org/   [endtext]



RTAmerica — May 28, 2010 — Was the destruction of the South Korean warship Cheonan a provocation? Can it be compared to the Gulf of Tonkin? RT contributor Wayne Madsen says that the sinking of the warship was really intended to convince Japan not to move US forces off Okinawa as well as divert the attention of Americans from the dire economic situation at home.   [endtext]

Wayne Madsen: Japan real target of Korea attack


This Interview is from 2008, but is still very informative.

2008nmo — October 29, 2008 — Especially in politics it is of the utmost importance to try to look behind the facade: who makes up the team of the presidential candidate? The future president of the United States of America is for a large part dependent on and being fed by his team of advisors and future cabinet members. Webster Tarpley wrote a book on the men and women behind presidential hopeful Barack Obama. He argues that there is more to Obama than his charismatic appearance and that some of his advisors pose a danger to the US and the world in case Obama might be elected to become the next US president. Whether Tarpleys view is correct for now is a matter of opinion and remains to be seen, but for the public debate it is relevant to take note of his facts and arguments. Therefor DeepJournal interviewed Webster Tarpley on the topic of his recently published book Obama, The Postmodern Coup,The Making of a Manchurian Candidate.  [endtext]

The men behind Barack Obama part 1


This interview is from 2008, but I am posting it because the information is good.

2008nmo — October 29, 2008 — Especially in politics it is of the utmost importance to try to look behind the facade: who makes up the team of the presidential candidate? The future president of the United States of America is for a large part dependent on and being fed by his team of advisors and future cabinet members. Webster Tarpley wrote a book on the men and women behind presidential hopeful Barack Obama. He argues that there is more to Obama than his charismatic appearance and that some of his advisors pose a danger to the US and the world in case Obama might be elected to become the next US president. Whether Tarpleys view is correct for now is a matter of opinion and remains to be seen, but for the public debate it is relevant to take note of his facts and arguments. Therefore DeepJournal interviewed Webster Tarpley on the topic of his recently published book Obama, The Postmodern Coup,The Making of a Manchurian Candidate.   [endtext]

The men behind Barack Obama part 2


News and Commentary