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Muse - Uprising [OFFICIAL VIDEO] "We Will Be Victorious"


Cassandra Anderson

May 12, 2010

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an invitation only membershipgroup made up of about 4000 people that comprise what many observers consider to bethe shadow government of America. The CFR is more than a ‘think tank’, it is a network of elitists that control America by creating policies, laws, financial alliances and monopolies. This new video, starring such diverse personalities as Angelina Jolie and Zbigniew Brzezinski, promotes the CFR as a wonderful place where people meet to discuss policy, thus giving the impression that all points of view are represented and implemented with the public’s best interests at heart.

Some of its members include bankers (Timothy Geithner, Henry Paulson, Alan Greenspan, Paul Volcker, and World Bank President Robert Zoellick), Secretaries of State (Henry Kissinger, Condoleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton), Supreme Court Justices (Bader-Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer), corporate titans (George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Dick Cheney), mainstream media (mainstream media is manipulated by the CFR- Katie Couric, Bill Moyers, Diane Sawyer, Tom Brokaw), foreign heads of state (Mikhail Gorbachev, Benyamin Netanyahu and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe), religious leader (the Dalai Lama)and entertainers (Shirley Temple, Angelina Jolie, Fred Thompson).

Some of the more notable corporations that enjoy CFR membership include AIG, BP, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Google, Merck, NASDAQ, Pfizer and VISA.

The truth about the CFR is that it is a global agenda organizationfilled with collectivists who advocatedepopulation and covert controlover America and the world. An example of this is the quote by Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission and former US National Security Advisor):

“I once put it rather pungently, and I was flattered that the British Foreign Secretary repeated this, as follows: … namely, in early times, it was easier to to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”

Brzezinski’s statement does not advocate killing, but that he and his compatriots have given serious thought to both options. The average auto mechanic does not ponder these things. Who does? Only those who have a self image of being empowered to do either and, therefore, must make a choice.

David Rockefeller, honorary chairman of the CFR, he is also the founder of the Trilateral Commission (a secretive members-only group with designs to remove the borders between Canada, U.S. and Mexico in the pursuit of eventual world governance),his family founded the Population Council (with its roots in eugenics, which is the philosophy of improving the human gene pool through selective breeding, historically, it has sometimes been accomplished through brutal means such as forced sterilization and genocide)and he is a banker, famous for this quote:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

This video is pure propaganda; it would seem incredible that some CFR members do not understand its true nature, but may have been used for marketing and public relations purposes in this video.

G. Edward Griffin , who revealed the character of the CFR in “The Capitalist Conspiracy” in 1971, said that due to the growing awareness of the CFR’s role in leading America into global collectivist government, the CFR is attempting to brighten their tarnished image with this public relations video. And it uses the same production style seen on TV ads selling pharmaceutical drugs. The message is about learning, discussion and solutions, but omits commentary on their goals and methods.


Council On Foreign Relations Propaganda



May 09, 2010 — http://www.infowars.com/new-film-mach...

Director Robert Rodriguez' new film 'Machete' has created controversy after a promotional trailer released online makes provoking comments about Arizona-- referring to its new immigration laws-- before depicted a machete-wielding vigilante who leads an uprising and massacre against Texas authorities. The filmmakers called it a 'special' Cinco de Mayo message to Arizona, inviting viewers into a violent on-screen race war with red-saturated 70s exploitation violence and endless killing.

Alex Jones explains how the unsettling film, currently in production here in Austin, Texas, had upset two of its crew members, both of whom happened to be hispanic, enough to contact him about its fiery message. Though they could not give details due to their contractual agreements, the industry insiders were concerned that the film had gone too far, voicing their fears that it could cause a cultural backlash and do harm to the otherwise positive image of the hispanic community.

Racial strife is often exacerbated unnecessarily by globalists forces who, though seeking to integrate North America regionally, divide & conquer the population by playing upon ethnic tensions. For a violent film to use such a backdrop to glorify and potentially incite violent attacks on white Americans over the immigration issue is very dangerous, and Alex urges the film's director to carefully consider the impact such an extreme statement could have. Though the movie screen is an escapist dimension where sex & violence are commonplace, 'Machete' ties it into a racially motivated issue spurned by anti-illegal immigration rhetoric.

The trailer insinuates that the film's lead is hired to assassinate a Texas senator rallying so hard against illegal immigrants that he calls their very presence on United States soil "terrorism." However, 'Machete' realizes he's been betrayed, and instead set-up as a patsy for a failed-assassination attempt to be blamed on what is termed crudely by the film's villains to be "Mexicans" and "cucarachas." From there, he develops a taste for revenge and initiates an out-and-out killing spree, recruiting an angry mob along the way, whose leader decries "We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us" in downtown Austin. The trailer shows a crowd all holding up machetes in preparation for battle. As the film is not scheduled for release until September, we cannot say whether the film will be as violent and over-the-top as the trailer implies, but if the wary crew members are any indication, this film could be an unwanted wedge of racial anger that no one wants unleashed.

Curiously, FOX, who is 'Machete's' distributor, blasted the film in a May 6 articled entitled, "Violent movie declares war on Arizona for immigration law." However, the article was pulled and deep-sixed. The URL pulled up a 'page not found.' Talking Points Memo blasts the fact in their article, "Fox News Scrubs Article Criticizing Fox' Robert Rodriguez Film "Machete" as "Racist" & Declaring "War on Arizona." Clearly, Rupert Murdoch & co. are playing both sides of a potentially explosive cultural-political issue. FOX won a 'bidding war' for the film, which grew out of a parody trailer spliced into the 70s-cult throwback "Grindhouse," a double-header release featuring works by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, both notable for their excessive and stylistic violence.

It has been established that the Ford Foundation and other top organizations have funded and influence groups like Mecha and La Raza. Border enforcement is lax because big businesses take advantage of the low wage labor; meanwhile, the same NAFTA, WTO and CAFTA visionaries ship jobs overseas and gut the industrial base in America. The clash of cultures is then pressured further by fiery rhetoric, perceived job opportunities, language barriers and political issues. For 'Machete' to call for such violence and glorify killings in relation to such a sensitive political topic is potentially criminal if it caused people to act out in real life.

So what of the role of cinema and television cultural products in the larger picture of shaping the opinions and habits of our increasingly naive and shallow population? One need only read between the lines, flip through the channels in a critically-evaluating way (rather than a hyponotic, dreamy way) and read the statements of the ruling elite, who have made sport of pushing our buttons.   [endtext]

New Film 'Machete' evokes race war


February 11, 2010   Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC. [endtext]

Barack Obama Pre-Crime & Indefinite Detention


May 09, 2010 — New Film Machete evokes race war

Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes



May 9, 2010

Director Robert Rodriguez new film Machete has created controversy after a promotional trailer released online makes provoking comments about Arizona namely its new immigration laws before depicting a machete-wielding vigilante who leads an uprising and massacre against Texas authorities. The filmmakers called it a special Cinco de Mayo message to Arizona, inviting viewers into a violent on-screen race war with red-saturated 70s exploitation violence and endless killing.

While some critics have praised this message to Arizona as being most eloquent on the immigration issue, others have become concerned about the message truly sent by a bloody and racially-charged film.


Alex Jones explains how the unsettling film, currently in production here in Austin, Texas, had upset two of its crew members, both of whom happened to be hispanic, enough to contact him about its fiery message. Though they could not give details due to their contractual agreements, the industry insiders were concerned that the film had gone too far, voicing their fears that it could cause a cultural backlash and do harm to the otherwise positive image of the hispanic community.

Racial strife is often exacerbated unnecessarily by globalists forces who, though seeking to integrate North America regionally, divide & conquer the population by playing upon ethnic tensions. For a violent film to use such a backdrop to glorify and potentially incite violent attacks on white Americans over the immigration issue is very dangerous, and Alex urges the films director to carefully consider the impact such an extreme statement could have. Though the movie screen is an escapist dimension where sex & violence are commonplace, Machete ties it into a racially motivated issue spurned by anti-illegal immigration rhetoric and that may be taking things a bit too far.

http://www.infowars.com/new-film-mach...  [endtext]

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