7/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  

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