THE PRUSZYNSKI RECORDING AND HOW IT WILL CHANGE HISTORY: This is the 1st part of an eleven-part series concerning the only known recording of the Bobby Kennedy shooting, an audio tape made by freelance newspaper reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski who, in 1968, was a Polish immigrant working for various Canadian news publications and who, in the spring of that year, was traveling in the United States as a member of the press corps covering RFK's presidential campaign.
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Astonishing discovery: A sound recording of Senator Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, unknown to the world for decades, is uncovered in 2004 by an American journalist working for a global television network. The recording is analyzed by acoustics experts between 2004 and 2007. Among these experts is audio engineer Philip Van Praag, recruited for the project in 2005. Van Praag and the other acoustics experts separately reach the same conclusion: the Pruszynski recording changes history.
Learn the startling results of the investigation conducted by these independent audio analysts. And hear the actual sounds of the June 1968 Bobby Kennedy shooting as DISCOVERY TIMES CHANNEL broadcasts this dramatic, previously-unheard tape for the first time ever in "Conspiracy Test: The RFK Assassination."
Following that June 6, 2007 premiere of "Conspiracy Test" on the Discovery Times Channel (now known as the Investigation Discovery Channel), there have been new developments concerning the Pruszynski recording. THIS IS AN ONGOING STORY THAT PROMISES TO BREAK WIDE OPEN THE ROBERT KENNEDY ASSASSINATION!
For all the latest news developments and latest YouTube videos on this Kennedy subject, do a YouTube search, using the following two key search words: RFK Pruszynski
Immediately after the 2007 "Conspiracy Test" documentary, Philip Van Praag teamed with fellow forensic expert Robert J. Joling, past president of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, to co-author a book about the Pruszynski recording and other key evidence in the Bobby Kennedy assassination. Joling also had appeared in "Conspiracy Test."
Van Praag's and Joling's book, "An Open And Shut Case," details their evidence proving that a second gun was fired in the Ambassador Hotel kitchen pantry at 12:16 am PDT on June 5, 1968.
Sirhan Sirhan's new attorney, Dr. William F. Pepper, says he is quite impressed with the Van Praag and Joling findings. William Pepper says he will seek a new trial for Sirhan. He says he will also begin efforts to try to restore Sirhan's lost memory. Sirhan has always maintained that he cannot remember the Bobby Kennedy shooting. Pepper says Sirhan was hypno-programmed to fire a gun in the direction of Senator Kennedy (as Sirhan approached RFK from the front) and to then forget everything that might reveal the identities of his programmers. Pepper says Sirhan missed Robert Kennedy and that the Senator was shot by someone else: a second gunman standing behind Kennedy.
Phil Van Praag and Bob Joling presented their RFK assassination findings before the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Washington D.C. on February 21, 2008. On March 25, 2008, they likewise presented their findings in Ledyard, Connecticut before hundreds of forensic experts attending the annual Markle Symposium, sponsored by the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science. They've done a number of TV, radio, internet and print interviews since.
Shooting victim and Kennedy family friend Paul Schrade of Los Angeles is currently spearheading efforts to reopen the RFK assassination case at the local, state or federal level, based in large part on these late-breaking revelations from the Pruszynski recording.
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First of 11 Parts. Note: All eleven parts will play consecutively, one immediately after the other, by clicking here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaF6pW...
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