
jackohoft  -You Tube

November 13, 2010

The Obama Administration has already handed out 111 Obamacare waivers to US companies... And, they're hiding this from the American public. It takes 6 clicks to find out this information on the Health Care website. Unfortunately, if you're a small business or don't have connections you can't get a waiver for your company. That's the new reality under the Obama-Pelosi regime.

More here:


And here:



Obama White House Hands Out 111 Obamacare Waivers- Hides It on Website



Mark Matheny

November 14, 2010

Geraldo Rivera interviewed Buildingwhat.org members members Tony Szamboti, a Mechanical engineer and Bob Mcilvaine of the Coalition For Accountability Now on Fox News Geraldo at Large, November 13, 2010.

It appears that the Main Stream media is now being put in a position by the internet alternative media to at least appear to be interested in a possible new investigation into the events of September 11, 2001, whether they really want to or not.

Geraldo has in the past frowned upon those known as "9/11 thruthers" (even giving truthers the finger at one point) and so this interview is rather surprising, although not so much so, due to the fact that many alternative media networks on the internet have continually covered the ongoing research and appeals for a new investigation by several groups such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Buildingwhat.org.

 According to Buildingwhat.org's site, the Building What? campaign is:

..an effort led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and shift public opinion such that the New York City Council will be inspired to open an independent investigation into how this building, which housed the City’s Emergency Operations Center, was destroyed at 5:20pm on September 11, 2001.

During the interview, Geraldo asked Bob Mcilvaine " So what do you want.. Let's get to the bottom line here.." whereupon Bob responded "I want truth. I've been lied to. I mean it's beyond a reasonable doubt that the 9/11 Commision did not tell the story."

Bob Mcilvaine's son was one of the thousands who lost their lives in the tragic event.

The Building What ? campaign is asking for the Forum to investigate the circumstances surrounding the collapse of WTC 7 be held in New York City. When asked by Geraldo, Bob Mcilvaine responded with "the forum we want it in, is New York city right now, because New York City we feel, has an obligation to investigate 9/11.."

Bob Mcilvaine also stated that although they intend to have the New York City Council investigate, he does not intend to stop there, but stated that further investigations are also his intention.

At the end of the interview, Geraldo stated:

"..It is an intriguing topic, I am certainly much more open-minded about it than I was, and it's because of the involvement of the 9/11 families, and all these engineers and architects...Clearly they know more than I do."

Maybe Glenn Beck could learn a thing or two from Geraldo.



Geraldo at Large Fox News:9/11 Group Asks NYC City Council to Investigate WTC Building 7 Collapse



November 11, 2010

What the Federal Reserve is up to, and how we got here.


Quantitative Easing Explained


TSA Cuffs Radio Host to Chair

November 10, 2010

The TSA chose Meg McLain for special screening. They wanted her to go through the new porno-scanners. When she opted out, TSA agents raised an enormous ruckus. When she asked some question about what they planned to do to her, they flipped out. TSA agents yelled at her, handcuffed her to a chair, ripped up her ticket, called in 12 local Miami cops and finally escorted her out of the airport. Listen to her story as she told it on radio show Free Talk Live last night. Things are truly getting scary.


Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped up


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