
Gerald Celente talks about the coming collapse in 2010 on FOX News Business. March 16, 2010 [endtext]

Gerald Celente on FOX News Business



"Overview of America"   By The John Birch Society.
The difference between a Democracy and a Republic, and the proper role of government.

JBS.org [endtext]

Democracy Is One Step Closer To Oligarchy


http://www.ronpaul.com/ - 03/15/2010

Ron Paul appeared on The ED Show to discuss Senator Dodd's financial regulatory reform bill.

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

For more information visit the following sites:






http://www.ronpaulforums.com/  [endtext]

Ron Paul on the Financial Reform Bill


Ron Paul.com
Ron Paul appeared on Fox Business to talk about the Federal Reserve, the flawed monetary system and the inflation it creates. [endtext]

Prevent Bubbles, Stop Inflation? End the Fed!


The Manning Report

February 22, 2010

Hon. James David Manning says Obama was CIA operative who used Columbia University as a cover up to go to Pakistan in 1981 when the United States and the Taliban worked together against Russia.


Rev. Manning Claims Obama Worked for CIA


April 6, 2009
http://www.pbs.org/billmoyers The financial industry brought the economy to its knees, but how did they get away with it? With the nation wondering how to hold the bankers accountable, Bill Moyers sits down with Bill Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. Black offers his analysis of what went wrong and his critique of the bailout. This show aired April 3, 2009. Bill Moyers Journal airs Fridays at 9 p.m. on PBS (check local listings). For more: http://www.pbs.org/billmoyers [endtext]



Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca


1/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

2/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca [endtext]

3/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endoftext]

4/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

5/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

6/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

7/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Get this film on DVD: http://tragedyandhope.com/index.php?o...

Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

8/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Officially titled; "20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline", this interview also includes solutions, documents and references, and asks only that you consider the information - To think for yourself - and communicate with others in order to achieve a higher-level of awareness.

This presentation is offered commercial-free as a public service thanks to an international joint-venture between Divergentfilms Canada, http://www.TragedyandHope.com and http://www.PeaceRevolution.org

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker Paul Verge brings us a revealing interview with Richard Andrew Grove which exposes the (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) of the recent economic decline, how it was legislated into existence, defended by corporate media and political "watch-dogs"; and allowed to drain America of nearly $200 Trillion Dollars... through a series of Ponzi-Schemes which could have and should have been exposed years earlier... but weren't.

A unique DVD / DVD-ROM offers the main feature (20/20 Hindsight: CENSORSHIP on the Frontline) with bonus features of:

1) Project Constellation (2006),

2) The Peace Revolution Podcast: The Million Dollar Education (2010), and

3) a DVD-ROM feature containing some of the most useful media files you'll ever discover.

If you would like a DVD, simply donate $10 to any of the independent media sites listed below; who have (since 2006) supported our work:

))- http://www.Meria.net

))- http://www.GnosticMedia.com

))- http://www.DeadlineLive.info

))- http://www.MediaMonarchy.com

))- http://www.CorbettReport.com

))- http://www.ThinkFree.ca  [endtext]

9/9 - Wall Street Whistleblower Proves That Money Never Sleeps - Full Movie, Not Official Trailer


Russia Today
March 12, 2010

 A mis-represented interview in the Washington Post incorrectly claimed that Japan’s MP Fujita said that the 9/11 hijackers are alive and that 9/11 was a complete hoax. Dr. David Ray has doubts that Fujita made such a claim, however, Dr. Griffin went on to confirm that 9/11 was a hoax and the hijackers were alive after 9/11/2001 in this March 9 interview with Russia Today.

Source: http://www.infowars.com/david-ray-griffin-says-hijackers-were-alive-after-911/  [endtext]

David Ray Griffin says hijackers were alive after 9/11


News and Commentary